Thanksgiving 2020....a Thanksgiving that a lot of people never imagined, it was our first Thanksgiving with just our little family. First time with no friends or missionaries or extended family. We had a fun day though, even with Covid "ruining our plans", everything turned out great. Dusty planned and shopped for the whole menu, which was a fun switch! He smoked the turkey breast on the BBQ and it turned out wonderful and didn't take that long. We started the day off cooking with the Macy's parade and dog show going in the background. The kids were a lot more interested in it than I thought they would be. We took a cooking break to make these cute little turkeys that I saw at Barbies house, just salt dough and feathers, it was easy and the kids loved it! They turned out pretty cute. Hazel continues to be my kitchen helper, she helped me cut up cornbread for cornbread stuffing. Zara and Eli helped me take some food to a friends house and when we came back Dusty and Hazel had set the whole Thanksgiving table. We sat down together and had a great meal, it was so yummy and we played some new word games that we've been playing lately. I think Dusty and I both had a nap at some point after dinner we were all tuckered out. Then we set up all the Christmas decorations! We ended the day with a nice evening walk to check out everyone's Christmas decorations and then PIE!
Our butterfly's hatched out of their chrysalis's, it was so exciting. Every time we looked in the cage there were new butterflies. Sunday was special day, it was our families first day back at church since MARCH. We had a nice meeting with singing and the kids did pretty good.
The kids swam on NOVEMBER 28th!
Zara and Hazel enjoyed going to Target to get toys with their allowance, a bow and little critters. Eli continually amazes me with the food he makes all by himself, this week was toast with cream cheese and pickles. And also all their lego creations are quite amazing and creative to me. Leo is taking more steps everyday.
Now we are off to a camping trip!