August 20, 2013

Five Months Old

Zara is five months old now and is doing all sorts of new and fun things. She started eating a little bit of solid food at dinner time and loves it, I can't get the food on the spoon fast enough before she has her mouth open again waiting for another bite. So far she has had sweet potatoes and peas and liked both of them. She has gotten really good at blowing bubbles and raspberries and she loves to babble. The other day we were driving around and she was just in the back talking to herself. We also have a good time trying to get her to giggle because it's so cute. Sometimes Dusty will just look away and then turn to look at her really fast with a big smile and that will usually get her giggling. She is having fun learning how to scoot and we noticed that she gets a really serious concentration face sometimes when she is looking at something, especially if she can't reach it, you can tell she is just learning all the time. If there is a binky or a phone within an arms reach she will find it! We pretty much think she is the cutest thing ever and we just love her so much. 

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