June 7, 2008

Last Saturday Me, Dusty and Deborah, who is also from USU and interning in NY, went to Serendipity for a Frozen Hot Chocolate. It was a really fun,little,crowded place.

Dusty opted to try a strawberry frozen drink, it was all so tasty
This was the upstairs of the restaurant
This is the view from our table, they had lots of different lights and funky architectural things going on.
The menus were Huge and hand drawn so they were really hard to read.
Dusty started working at his new job at Merritt and Harris. He gets to go to a lot of neat buildings and survey the buildings , here are some pics of the views from the tops of the buildings he got to go to this week.

Look at all the tiny little people

On Wednesday we got to go to Carnagie Hall and hear the BYU orchestra play. The hall was really pretty and ornate. At the end the orchestra played Where Can I Turn For Peace which was really a neat experience.
Yesterday ( Friday ) we went to the Museum of Modern Art. It was pretty cool. We saw some really famous paintings, but others looked like they just came straight off the fridge. We had alot of fun out on the patio, they had a water feature that was really pretty to sit by and listen to.

This is the view from the museum you can kind of see the patio below it
Part of the floors had this pattern on it that was made from electrical tape it was pretty amazing
There was this hallway that had all yellow lights and it made everyone look like we were watching a black and white tv. It doesn't really transalate in the picture very well though.

This is on the patio at th museum, this is an old subway entrance that was pretty cool.
We got to see a few Van Goghs which was fun, this is one of my favorites.
This was one of Dusty's favorites, it's a painting of olive trees

They had a lot of Andy Warhals paintings, I'm not sure if I spelled his name right. It was so fun to see a lot of the paintings that I learned about in Art Lit.


Anonymous said...

i like ur page!!
ive been to NYC and ur blog remind me of that time..
have a nice time there!!
i will visit again^^

JTO said...

Great pic, guys. It's a treat to see NYC through your eyes, lots of details most of us miss. Have fun and enjoy.
Much love to you.

Kelly said...

(I'm not your mom, but I don't know how to change it--this is Aunt Kelly) Hi Chelsea and Dustin! I love your blog! It looks like you are having a blast in NYC! Angie has Starry Night hanging in her living room(one of her favs too!)---I think hers must be a print---you saw the original ;-), and she bought hers as TJ Maxx. If you are looking for a fun chocolate place to go, try Chocolate by the Bald Man. It is kind of like Willy Wonka for grown ups! Have fun! Thanks for blogging so we can be part of your adventure! Love you!

Angie Adam said...

I love all your pictures!! And yes, starry starry night is one of my favorites too =) And I do have it in my living room... I love your blog, so much fun!