October 31, 2010

Harpeth River

Last weekend we went with some friends from our ward on a boat trip down the Harpeth River.  We had fun looking at the fall colors and spotting blue herons. Afterwards we went to a new restaurant called The Stable where we tried catfish (for the first time ever!) and steak and biscuits.DSCN2213DSCN2215DSCN2221DSCN2219 DSCN2218DSCN2225


ba said...

I didn't know what those blue orbs were in the last picture. I also couldn't understand why anyone would eat catfish. Hopefully they marinated it in some killer BBQ sauce or had it so spicy your couldn't taste the fish.

JTO said...

It looks so warm, and you seem pretty relaxed. It's a lovely fall activity. I hear catfish is really good. That's the only way I'll ever know, I will never taste it. Enjoy your fall--we are wearing rain coats Love and miss you <3

Alicia said...

You've never had catfish?! I love catfish, even though Christopher thinks it's too "lowly" of a fish to eat. =)

Sounds like you guys are having fun!