September 9, 2013

Pinterest Project: 4/365

I pinned this tutorial on how to make a little headband a while ago and today I finally got around to making one. The tutorial says to use a stretchy knit so I just used an old shirt that was too small for me. It was a little hard to sew with the knit because I don't sew with knits very often. I like this headband because when she grows I can adjust it and make it bigger by just retying the knot

And on another note....I was out with a friend and we spotted this cute rocking chair at a garage sale! Lots of houses here have their garages round back by their backyards so you can't see them from the road. We just barely spotted this chair from the road and hopped out right away to snag it. The lady was cute and was telling me about how it used to be her daughter's. Now I just have to decide if I want to paint it or not. I think I might just leave it plain and make a little cushion,

1 comment:

Audrey said...

This pictures of Zara are darling!!! She is a cutie!! Love the headband and rocking chair, too!